White-tail Deer Tibia
White-tail Deer vs. Human Tibia
The proximal end of the tibia articulates with the distal end of the femur
The proximal end of the shaft has a triangular cross-section
Human vs. Non-human Comparisons:
Medial malleolus forms a hook at the distal end of the human tibia (red arrow, figure 1)
A notch is formed at the distal end of non-human tibia between the medial malleolus and the cochlea of tibia (red arrow, figure 2)
Proximal articular surface forms a triangle in white-tail deer tibia (figure 3) and an oval in the human tibia (figure 4)
Tibial tuberosity is well-developed in white-tail deer tibias
Figure 1
Figure 2
Figure 3
Figure 4
5-Year Old Child Tibia