The proximal end of the radius articulates with the humerus
The proximal epiphysis of the human radius begins to fuse around 14 years of age and is completely fused around 19 years of age
The distal epiphysis of the human radius begins to fuse around 17 years of age and is completely fused around 22 years of age
The cup-shaped head at the proximal end of a human radius allows the radius to rotate across the ulna when the hand rotates
In some non-humans, the radius and ulna are fused together
Human vs. Non-human Comparison:
Cup-shaped head is a distinct feature of human radii compared to most non-human radii
Credits: Measurements included in the dataset used for the above inquiry were taken from the author's personal collection and data provided by OsteoID Bone Identification (https://boneidentification.com/).